I believe that once in our lives, we spent some time on something we thought were significant to us, something we thought would last, only to realize in the end that it was something we didn't want to ever happen; something that we'd tell ourselves that we would never even think of in our next lives. Those times that you'd realize that you should have done this instead of that; times when you should have trusted yourself instead of other people. There is this feeling of regret and guilt that you knew you wouldn't experience if only you've thought the other way around. More often than not, we call these moments our wasted time.
Time, as it has always been told, is free, yet priceless. You don't need to pay a single centavo to have it, but you also couldn't use all the riches in the world just to have more of it. When your time ends, it just ends. And so as the cliche goes, spend your time wisely. :)
Why did I suddenly think of this? Well, being an Eagles fan (I don't know if I can call myself a fan, but I really love their songs), I included in my playlist their song called "Wasted Time." It's about how a girl, fearing the near end of its relationship, thought that she had just wasted the time she spent with the boy. There is this part of the lyrics that struck me, though I couldn't understand it fully: "Sometimes to keep it together, you got to leave them alone." Come to think of it, that makes sense, right?
My take on this is that whenever you do something, you had the choice whether to do it or not. So there should never be any moment in your life that you'd regret. If you feel that you just made a not so good decision, then I believe that you should just take it as a lesson. I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. Whether to teach you something or to make you feel good, you should embrace and accept them with all your heart. You'll never know why things happen until the reason happens. Trust your instincts. Trust your guts. Most of all, Trust Him, because He'll never leave you behind. :)
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